Absolutely not. I am out here to have a good time, not to be on demand entertainment for you untalented fools who lack the ability to actually dance rather than copy moves from hip hop culture and decimate them. I'll get to that in a later post, but back to the main topic right now. No. Just cause you lack culture and know that one Punjabi song " Tunak Tunak" by Dilher Mehndi because of those two white guys who danced to it doesn't mean its the only Punjabi song in existence. Is it still a complete banger? Of course it is, but that doesn't mean we still listen to it or dance to it. Tunak Tunak is the song non-Punjabi people put on at parties when they see a guy in a turban and want to see them "do that Bollywood dance". (The whole Bollywood vs. Punjabi is also another tissue I will address later). My issue isn't with the song itself and that is something I want to clear up. My issue is the fact that many...