It is undoubtedly a rough time we're in. A global pandemic has in fact enveloped us and has changed society, not just in the short term but the long term as well (at least I think so). People are in self quarantine (and if they aren't they should be) and keeping a social distance from the rest of the population. This can obviously be boring. Worse for college students that were living their lives, their routines, and thinking they still had time with their friends and classes before going home for summer break. For many, if not all, college students, school is now all online and the last goodbye that was said may truly well have been the last goodbye, at least for a while. It's easy enough to say that we need to grow up and get over it, it's only for a while after all. I've actually seen quite a bit of that online. There was a post circulating along the lines of "our ancestors had to fight war and lay down their lives, you can stay inside for a f...