The world of NFTs is so dumb yet so entertaining as it allows regular folks like you and me to laugh at rich idiots who waste their money! The internet is great! Around December 15th, 2020 Jack Dorsey minted a new NFT comprised of his (and the site's) first ever tweet. For those unaware, Dorsey is a co-founder and former CEO of twitter and the current founder and CEO of Block, Inc. This NFT was minted with much hype at the time, but to say that the offers came pouring in would be a misinformed overstatement. Yes there was a lot of buzz, but funnily enough looking at the bid history only one offer came in that day for one dollar. The price eventually rose, with an offer put forward on March 6th for 2.5 million USD. 16 days later on March 22, that bid was worth 2.9 million USD and was subsequently sold to Sina Estavi. Estavi is currently the CEO of Bridge Oracle funnily enough was arrested in Iran following his purchase of the NFT for alleged "economic disruption". Estavi h...