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Showing posts from 2020

Jessica Krug: A Tale of Two Races

          I know that I've been away for a while and haven't written a post in some time, so I'm feeling pretty bad about myself right now. I want nothing more than to give you guys a heartfelt apology, but, I guess I don't know how to craft one that will have you all sympathizing with me and hopefully forgiving me. Luckily though, I know someone who is an expert in this field, having crafted perhaps the most preposterous apology of all time. Before we get into examining the intricacies of such a feat, why don't we start with a brief introduction of todays topic; Jessica Krug.           So I don't want to spend too much time talking about who Krug is and what she's done, I think the numerous articles that I'll link at the end will be more than enough. The gist of it is this; Jessica Krug is a white woman who has spent most of her life pretending to be black. That's pretty much that. She is white, but has claimed to be black and lived her...

News Flash: It's Racism Not Heritage

          So this may seem slightly late, but until every single Confederate statue is taken down this post will be relevant. The protests that started following the murder of George Floyd and are part of a fight that started hundreds of years ago saw a push to finally remove Confederate statues in America. This is only one part of the BLM matter movement and the fight for equality and justice, a fight that shouldn't even have to exist. But I wanted to take a moment and focus on these statues that some people believe are nothing more than monuments with the purpose of idealizing history as a concept.            Let's start broad here. One of the foremost arguments against taking down these statues of figures such as Andrew Jackson and Robert E. Lee is that by doing so we will be erasing history. Without monuments to these figures, history will be forgotten. I don't know any other way to put this, but have you heard of a book? Like I...

Quaranscreaming Right Now

A Quick Edit: Please keep on mind that by the time you read this some things may have changed. If new things relating to this occur, there is a high chance I may continue this topic in a new post. Stay tuned and enjoy.            This post really should not need to be made, ever. I was working on two separate blog posts for you guys and then I saw something absolutely baffling. Like I was truly bamboozled. I want to say that in case anyone missed it, we are in the middle of a pandemic. And after reading a couple of articles from outlets like the BBC, the Washington Post, and Reuters, it really looks like some people really just aren't aware of this. People are really out here protesting. They are protesting a lockdown meant to save lives and help bring about a decrease in cases of the virus. And who are these people that are protesting? Sure some of them are those that have faced drastic economic hardships due to the lockdowns, but the bulk of them are jus...

The Bud Light BS

          It is undoubtedly a rough time we're in. A global pandemic has in fact enveloped us and has changed society, not just in the short term but the long term as well (at least I think so). People are  in self quarantine (and if they aren't they should be) and keeping a social distance from the rest of the population. This can obviously be boring. Worse for college students that were living their lives, their routines, and thinking they still had time with their friends and classes before going home for summer break. For many, if not all, college students, school is now all online and the last goodbye that was said may truly well have been the last goodbye, at least for a while. It's easy enough to say that we need to grow up and get over it, it's only for a while after all. I've actually seen quite a bit of that online. There was a post circulating along the lines of "our ancestors had to fight war and lay down their lives, you can stay inside for a f...