The Democratic Debates! We just saw the first two happen this past week and my oh my what a showing! I have a lot of thoughts on this upcoming presidential election as a whole so bear with me as I will have more posts on this topic. For now though, I want to focus on something very specific that I saw in the first debate, especially with Cory Booker and Beto O'Rourke. These two men are wonderful, and I do support their policies even though I would not vote for them in the primaries. However, they pulled something in the first debate that really got me mad. Both of them gave answers in Spanish to questions that in all honesty didn't warrant a second language. I have heard arguments that this was a good move as it showed support for the Latinx community and diversity in general. In my opinion, it was nothing more than plain pandering. None of these men seem to actually speak Spanish in their daily lives and it is...